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To Awake - Awoke - Awoken: A se trezi. My noisy parrot awakes me every morning - Papagalul meu zgomotos ma scoala in fiecare dimineata. To Be - Was/Were - Been: A Fi. This is my house - Aceasta este casa mea. Where there is a will there is a way - Unde exista o vointa, exista si o cale. Two plus three is 5 - 2 + 3 fac 5.

To Bear - Bore - Borne: - A purta. I bear all the responsibility for what happened - Eu port toata raspunderea pentru ceea ce s- a intamplat. She bore the basket on her head - Ducea cosul pe cap. He bore the pain in silence - El suporta durerea in liniste. To Beat - Beat - Beaten - A Bate. Watch East Broadway Online Ibtimes.

I beat you at chess! Hahaha! - Te- am batut la sah, hahaha! I beat the carpets monthly - Bat lunar covoarele. Become - Became - Become - A deveni. He became the best football coach in the world - A devenit cel mai bun antrenor de fotbal din lume. What became of him?

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Ce s- a ales de el? Does white become me? Mi se potriveste albul? Begin - Began - Begun - A incepe. I began writing my thesis - Am inceput sa- mi scriu teza de doctorat. This does not even begin to cover the costs - Aceasta nici nu incepe sa acopere costurile.

Bend - Bent - Bent - A indoi. The car door was bent in the accident - Usa de la masina s- a indoit in accident. Some lawyers bend the truth - Unii avocati distorsioneaza adevarul. Will you bend the rule a bit, this time? Vrei sa faci o mica exceptie de la regula, de data asta?

VestiaireCollective.com, the best of pre-owned fashion at 30 to 70% off original retail price. Buy! Sell! Share! 100% of the items are curated and manually controlled. Directed by Jean-Jacques Annaud. With Tchéky Karyo, Bart the Bear, Youk the Bear, Jack Wallace. An orphan bear cub hooks up with an adult male as they try to dodge.

Bet - Bet - Bet - A pune pariu. That is the horse I bet my money on - Acesta e calul pe care mi- am pariat banii. Your best bet is to see a lawyer - Cea mai buna solutie e sa mergi la un avocat. I bet you'll like the trip - Pun pariu ca o sa- ti placa calatoria. Bid - Bid - Bid - A oferi un pret. Let the bidding begin!

Sa inceapa ofertele de pret! He bid the kind family farewell - Si- a luat la revedere de la familia buna la inima. Bind - Bound - Bound - A lega (sfori, carti etc)Serfs in the Middle Ages were bound to the land - Iobagii din Evul Mediu erau legati de pamant. The villagers bound up the robber - Satenii l- au legat pe hot.

Bite - Bit - Bitten - A musca. He was bitten by 2. A fost muscat de 2. He bit the bait - A muscat din momeala.

A mosqito bit me - M- a ciupit un tantar. Bleed - Bled - Bled - A sangera. His nose was bleeding - Ii curgea sange din nas.

The color of the shirt bled into the other fabrics and now everything is brown - Culoarea de la camasa s- a raspandit in celelalte materiale si acum totul e maroniu. Blow - Blew - Blown - A sufla. The wind blew his hat off - Vantul i- a luat palaria. Blow your nose! she said to her little boy. Sufla- ti nasul! a spus ea baietelului ei.

The bomb almost blew up in my face! Bomba aproape ca mi- a explodat in fata! He blew out the candles - A stins lumanarile (sufland in ele)1.

Break - Broke - Broken - A (se) sparge, A se strica. He broke the vase! A spart vaza! He broke his arm!

Si- a rupt mana! The TV is broke. Showtime Full Testament Of Orpheus Online Free. Televizorul e stricat.

He broke the world record - A depasit recordul mondial. He broke the law - A incalcat legea. They broke up - S- au despartit. We'll break for cofee. Vom face o pauza de cafea. Bring - Brought - Brought - A aduce.

I brought supplies for the troops - Am adus provizii pentru trupe. The enemy was brought to his knees - Dusmanul a fost infrant(ingenuncheat)The quarrel brought out the worst in him - Cearta a scos la iveala toate caracteristicile lui negative. He brought it upon himself - Si- a facut- o cu mana lui. It was brought to my attention - Mi s- a semnalat. Build - Built - Built - A construi. The house was built around 1. Casa a fost construita in jurul anului 1.

The house had a shelf built- in the wall. Casa avea un raft incorpoat in perete. Burn - Burnt/Burned - Burnt/Burned - A arde. He burns all his letters - Isi arde toate scrisorile.

His job is burning him out - Slujba il epuizeaza. Burst - Burst - Burst - A plesni, a fi plin ochi, a izbucni. The kid was bursting with energy - Copilul plesnea de energie. The balloon burst from the heat - Balonul a explodat de la caldura. Watch The Founder Streaming. The crowd burst out laughing - Multimea a izbucnit in ras. He burst out the door - A iesit cu putere (a izbucnit) pe usa. Buy - Bought - Bought - A cumpara.

I bought a new refridgerator - Am cumparat un frigider nou. He didn't buy my excuse - Nu a crezut scuza mea. Going by taxi will buy you some time - Daca mergi cu taxi- ul mai castigi niste timp. Cast - Cast - Cast - A arunca (doar anumite lucruri, multe din ele nautice)He cast a glance - A aruncat o privire. The sea cast them to shore - Marea i- a aruncat la tarm. The fisherman cast his net - Pescarul si- a aruncat plasa de pescuit in apa. The fishermat cast the fishing line into the sea - Pescarul si- a aruncat firul de pescuit in apa.

This certainly casts some doubt over his innocence - Aceasta arunca cu siguranta o indoiala asupra nevinovatiei lui. In the summer, I like sitting in the long shadow cast by the tower - Vara imi place sa stau la umbra aruncata de turn. Catch - Caught - Caught - A prinde. He caught the ball - A prins mingea. He caught a cold - A racit. He was caught stealing - A fost prins furand. He caught the bus - A prins autobuzul.

I didn't catch all you said - Nu am prins tot ce ai spus. Choose - Chose - Chosen - A alege. She was chosen for the team - A fost aleasa in echipa.

You may leave if you choose - Poti pleca, daca doresti. I cannot choose to stand aside - Nu pot sa aleg sa nu ma implic. Clap - Clapped/Clapt - Clapped/Clapt - A bate din palme, a incropi. The children were clapping their hands - Copii bateau din palme.

They clapped up a garage - Au incropit un garaj. Cling - Clung - Clung - A se agata, a se tine strans. The bus passengers were clinging to the seats in front during the bumpy ride. Pasagerii autobuzului se tineau de scaunele din fata in timpul calatoriei cu denivelari. They cling to old- fashioned ideas.

Ei se agata de idei invechite. Clothe - Clad/Clothed - Clad/Clothed - A imbraca (cuvant vechi) The queen was clothed in gold and silver - Regina era imbracata in aur si argint. Trees clothed in a rainbow of colors - Copaci imbracati intr- un curcubeu de culori. Come - Came - Come - A veni. Come see me! - Vino sa ma vezi! They came to a conclusion - Au ajuns la o concluzie.