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Double k screwed his lyricks and got eliminated I’m so annoyed rn I don’t even know why I still watch it all it does is annoy the crap out of me when good rappers. · The Motion Picture Association of America named the worst online offenders as based in Russia, the Netherlands and New Zealand. Twitch is a live streaming video platform owned by Twitch Interactive, a subsidiary of Introduced in June 2011 as a spin-off of the general-interest.
Instructions on How to Switch Your i. Phone from ATT to Straight Talk. Click here for updated and simpler instructions on how to switch your i.
Phone from AT& T to Straight Talk (2. I’ve been an unhappy AT& T customer for years and I have decided it is time for me to leave. Paying more than $2. Watch The Hunley Tube Free.
Phone family plan with limited minutes is just ridiculous. Gladly, there are now other options.
I’ll be saving 5. I’ll definitely give Straight Talk a chance and see what they have to offer. I can always leave if it does not work out, but whatever happens, I will not do business with AT& T again. I’ll be porting my number and requesting AT& T to unlock my i. Phone 4. S (the same instructions apply for the i.
We go over some ways to save money by streaming internet to your TV – Including Blu-ray wi-fi and Google Chromecast! But it still doesn't have the streaming product that we want to use. They've tried to fix it, but they still screwed up. And it'll get better with time, as it has in. I used to love films. While other guys my age watched them for mindless fun, I viewed them as works of art that required scrutiny and attention to details for greater.
Phone 6, i. Phone 5, i. Phone 5s, i. Phone 5c or i. Phone 3. GS, read below for more details). I’m not a computer programmer or hacker, so if I can get this thing working, I’m sure you’ll be able to do it as well. I will be updating this post during the following months to report on Straight Talk’s i. Phone service, so make sure to check back every now and then to ask questions or post feedback.
What You Will Need. A Straight Talk AT& T Compatible SIM Card (Amazon links provided)2. A Straight Talk Plan (two options)My phone: AT& T i.
Phone 4s (i. OS 7. Last blog update: May 2. Straight Talk Service Review: I’ve been on Straight Talk since October 2.
By switching I was able reduce my cell phone bill by 5. I haven’t noticed any difference in my service. I will never return to ATT! UPDATE: After updating to i. OS 7. 0. 3, I’m glad to report both data and MMS are working as they should. This means that with the carrier update provided with i. OS 7. 0. 3, switching your AT& T i. Sheep &Amp; Wolves Movie Watch Online there.
Phone to Straight Talk should be a lot simpler than it was before. After activation, insert the SIM and you should be ready to go! Read steps 1 & 3 for instructions. Step 4 “updating data settings” is no longer needed and you can ignore it. Here are the steps I’ve taken to switch from AT& T to Straight Talk.
This is a guideline of what you’ll have to do. If you are thinking about switching or are in the process of doing so, I’m sure you’ll find it helpful. Straight Talk will provide detailed instructions on the activation process. These are the steps I followed: I ordered a Micro Sim Card from.
Straight Talk. You can also order it from Amazon. You’ll need an “AT& T compatible SIM”. If you have an i. Phone 6 plus, 6, 5, 5s or 5c, you’ll need a Nano SIM Card.
If you have an i. Phone 4 or 4. S, you’ll need a Micro Sim Card. Phone 3. G and 3. GS users will need the Standard Size SIM (used for older phones).
You can buy the “AT& T Compatible Micro SIM + Unlimited Plan” or just the Micro SIM by itself. You’ll have a chance to pay for the plan with a credit card when you do the activation if you only buy the SIM. I purchased mine directly from Straight Talk as there was no other option back then. Shipping was free and the SIM was delivered in 3 days. NOTE: AT& T will NOT pro rate your final bill, so make sure you switch before your new billing cycle starts.(OPTIONAL) I waited until my AT& T contract ended and requested my i. Phone to be unlocked atatt.
If you switch companies before your contract ends, AT& T will charge you Early Termination Fees. To request an unlock from AT& T, your phone needs to be out of contract or you should’ve paid early termination fees. You DON’T need to unlock your AT& T i. Phone for it to work on Straight Talk, but as of now, you need to unlock it to have picture messaging working (MMS).
A few minutes after requesting the unlock, I received an email saying: “We have received your request to unlock your AT& T Mobile device” and later, another email later saying “We have reviewed your request and confirmed that the device may be unlocked. Please allow 2. 4 hours upon receipt of this notification to complete the unlock process“. Check here to read Eligibility Requirements for Unlocking All AT& T Mobile Devices. You will need to restore your phone via i. Tunes to complete the unlock (make sure to backup your data first). I followed the instructions on the Straight Talk Activation kit.
You’ll be activating your SIM either by phone or online. I did my activation online at www. Choose the activation option that fits your needs.
If you want to keep the same number you had with AT& T, make sure to select “Activate my Straight Talk Service with a number from another company” (have your AT& T account number ready). After completing the activation request, wait for your current AT& T service to stop (“No Service” status). When your service has been disabled, you can then insert your new Straight Talk SIM. Surprisingly, for me this only took about 1.
Once you have your new SIM installed, your status bar should now display “HOME” instead of “AT& T”. Test your phone by making a phone call. If this works, you are now on Straight Talk. NOTE: If you want to port your number, DO NOT call to cancel your AT& T service before activating your Straight Talk SIM.
Once the porting process is completed AT& T will automatically cancel your account and send a Final Bill.(NO LONGER NEEDED. SKIP THIS STEP!) I updated my data settings. You need to do this in order to get your data (internet) working. While on Wi- Fi, open Safari and type in iapnupdatetfdata. Tap “Install” then tap “Install Now. Enter your pass code if prompted, and tap “Done.
At this point exit your browser, turn the Wi- Fi off, and re- boot your phone. With the Wi- Fi off, access Safari to ensure your data connection is working. Troubleshooting: If online activation didn’t work or if you encountered any issues, call Straight Talk at 1- 8. I’ll try my best to answer it).
That’s it your’re done!(NO LONGER NEEDED. SKIP THIS STEP!) Enabling MMS/Picture Messaging This process is a little more involved but it’s doable. It requires you to buy a T- Mobile SIM card to enter the correct data settings for your Straight Talk service. APN settings are “hidden” in AT& T i. Phones (’cause they want to keep you as a customer forever), so you need to briefly insert a T- Mobile SIM card in order to access and update the APN settings (not hidden for T- Mobile customers).
Which are the correct APN settings for your i. Phone? You can check them here by inputting your SIM’s serial number: www. Here’s a basic guideline of what you’ll need to do. Check the provided links for step by step image/video instructions.
For i. Phone 4. S, order a T- mobile Micro SIM like this one from e. Bay or purchase one at Target (for i. Phone 5, 5s, and 5c purchase a Nano SIM). Remove your Straight Talk SIM and Insert your T- Mobile SIM. Go to: Settings- > Cellular - > Cellular Data Network (or wait for Cellular Data Network to show up and then select Cellular Data Network, this is why you got the T- Mobile SIM for)4.
Go to Home and open Notes. Insert your Straight Talk SIM again. Wait for phone to change from “NO SIM” - > “Searching” - > “HOME”. Double Tap and go back to the Cellular Data Network page. Enter Your Cellular Data Settings.
These are the data settings that worked for my i. Phone 4s, which are the settings for the newer Straight Talk SIMS: Leave fields not listed here blank.
You might have to re- enter some of the settings again as you’ll see they’ll go back to their default values when you scroll down. APN tfdata. MMS APN: tfdata. MMSC http: //mms- tf. MMS Proxy: mms. 3. MMS Max Message Size: 1.
Go back to Cellular - > Settings. Reboot your phone (Turn OFF then ON). Try sending an image text. If it works, you’re done!
Enabling MMS Links (Pre i.
Foxtel Now Is Playing Into The Hands Of Pirates. Foxtel Now was supposed to be the solution to all of Foxtel's problems - - a new streaming service with a new identity, for all Australians. And, for a while, it was great.
But come last night and come Game of Thrones, it died. And now the arguments of pirates, so close to being comprehensively defeated, restart anew. Overnight, Foxtel gave its streaming video service a new name. The prices are the same. But this is just the first step in a huge transformation in the way Foxtel works and how it sits in Australia's media landscape.
Read more. This is partly understandable. Unprecedented demand crashed HBO's streaming service, HBO Now, in the US. Unprecedented makes sense - - it's the second last season of the world's most popular television show - - but that's not the same thing as unexpected.
Foxtel's network engineers should have forecasted unprecedented demand. They should have expected it. And because they didn't, expectant customers were disappointed. Foxtel Now has had a relatively easy honeymoon period for its launch - - no huge event TV to stress test the servers it's carried across from the days when it was called Foxtel Play and Foxtel Go. Six weeks since it debuted with fanfare, Game of Thrones has made it fall over. What happens when The Walking Dead, equally popular, comes back while Game of Thrones is also being streamed? Foxtel's media department issued a mea culpa late last night, in a press release titled "Game of Thrones Phenomenon Crash Sites Across the Globe!" It mentioned the fact that the number of viewers had sent even HBO into a tailspin.
But what else could you do, apart from apologise for your service? Foxtel spends $1. Foxtel has the best breadth and depth of content in Australia. Foxtel outspends its competitors Netflix and Stan by more than 1.
TV shows and movies like Game of Thrones. And Foxtel has an excellent infrastructure cable TV network, and has had for years.
Who would have expected that the first death during the seventh season of Game of Thrones would be the pay TV network charged with distributing it digitally around Australia? Read more. But it still doesn't have the streaming product that we want to use. They've tried to fix it, but they still screwed up. And it'll get better with time, as it has in the past - - from HD streaming to 4. K streaming, offline downloads, and so on. Foxtel has promised as much.
But pirates' arguments only need the smallest provocation to consider themselves justified. For what it's worth, when I wanted to watch Game of Thrones last night, I went to bed and switched on my TV and powered on my PS4, jumped into the Foxtel Now app and navigated to Game of Thrones.
And it worked! The streaming quality was alright - - not up to the standards of a pirated 1. And convenience is the keystone, the lynchpin, for Foxtel Now. It's even in the name. Now. When your service crashes, when it isn't now, that's when people are right to complain. And that's when people will pirate Game of Thrones, and feel justified in doing it. When I wrote how laughably easy it was to get around Australia's site blocking laws, I got an email from John Jarratt - - y'know, Mick Taylor from Wolf Creek - - "if you're good at it, it's easy to break into a car in 3.
Does that make it right because you can?" That argument doesn't hold sway with pirates, though. A lot of People On The Internet, who like me grew up with Limewire and Kazaa and Usenet and Bit- Torrent, need reasons not to pirate. Piracy is their default. Watch Avalanche Sharks HD 1080P. Netflix's Australian launch ticked the right boxes: price, availability of content, reliability.
Foxtel Now has an affordable tier, and it has so much content, but it's not reliable. Not after last night. Imagine another world: imagine an alternate history where Foxtel Now didn't shit the bed last night. Imagine the press release we'd be writing about instead! Foxtel Now Had Its Busiest Night Ever". Foxtel Now Proved Itself Streaming Game Of Thrones." "Foxtel Now Finally Proves That Streaming Is The Answer To Piracy"."Foxtel Now Has Left Pirates Dead In The Water". WATCH MORE: Entertainment News.